Unior 762/5S Fine File Set 250mm

Unior 762/5S Fine File Set 250mm

Unior 762/5S Fine File Set 250mm

  • Material: special tool steel
  • Set
  • Fine
  • Fine Filing Set 250

Vijlset, fijn material: special gereedschapsstaal alle vijlen met dubbele sleuf. Ook bij het vijlen moet het Werkstuk was clamped in the bank shof. The vijl wordt met both hands recht en met druk vooruit over het werkstuk en zonder druk weer teruggevoerd. Omdat de fijne metaalspaanders het hekje snel toevoegen, moet de vijl tijdens het werk steeds weer met een vijlborstel in the direction of light has been cleaned. File set, fine material: special tool steel, all files with double cut. Even when filing, the workpiece must be firmly clamped into the vice. The file is returned with both hands straight and with pressure forward over the workpiece and without pressure. Since the fine metal shavings quickly fasten the cuts, the file must be cleaned again and again with a file brush in the direction of the cutting direction during work. Törpü seti, ince malzeme: Özel takım çeliěi, tüm törpü çift çekmeli bileyiciler törpüleme sırasında iş parçası mengene sıkıca gerilmelidir. Törpü iki elle düz ve basınçla iş parçası üzerinde ileriye doyjru ve baskı olmadan tekrar geri yönlendirilir. Metal talaşlar darbeyi hızlı bir şekilde uygulayabildiùinden, törpü çalışma sırasında tekrar bir törpü fırçası ile temizlenmelidir. Sada pilníkë, jemnò materiál: Speciální nástrojová ocel, všechny pilníky s dvojitým sítkem i pùpilování musí bòt obrobek pevně upnuto do svěráku. Pilník se rovná oběma rukama a tlakem vedeno zpět pùes obrobek a bez tlaku. Vzhledem k tomu, ùe jemné kovové hroty rychle vysazují sítky, je nutné pilník během práce vùdy znovu vyčistit kartáčem pilník v těsnicích otvor. Zestaw pilników, delikatny material: specjal stal rzędziowa wszystkie pilniki z podwójnym ostrzeniem Równieza podczas pilowania obrabiany przedmiot musi być mocno przymocowany imw imw . Pilnik jest kierowany obiema rękami prosto i ciskajùc do przodu obrabiany przedmiot i bez cisku. Ze względu to, ze drobne metalowe wióry szybko się wchęania, pilnik musi być czyszczony podczas pracy szczotkù do pilnika w kierunku podnoszenia. File set, fine material: special tool steel, all files with double cut. Even when filing, the workpiece must be firmly clamped into the vice. The file is moved back straight with both hands and with pressure forward over the workpiece and without pressure. Since the fine metal shavings quickly set the stroke, the file must be cleaned again and again with a file brush in the direction of lifting.

Weight: 1.56 kg
Size: 250 mm
Dimensions: 38 x 19 x 3.1 cm; 1.56 Kilograms
Model: 762/5S
Part: 762/5S
Colour: Black
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: Unior D.D.
Colour: Black
Quantity: 1
Size: 250 mm